What is a website and what are its types?

You may be wondering about the website or blogs on the web, here is a full definition of it in this article.

What is a website and what are its types?

What is a website and what are its types?

Website - A website is a group of web pages that are interconnected with each other and that are accessed by visiting the home page of a website using an internet browser, either through a phone or a computer.

How to open a website on the Internet

To view the website you need a browser eg you are reading this web page using a browser.

Once in the browser, you can open the website by entering the website link in the address bar. For example, typing mena-tech.com will open the main page of the Mena Tech website and if you do not know the link of the site you want to visit, you can use a search engine to find the site.

When was the first website created?

The first site on the Internet is the CERN site created by Tim Berners-Lee and launched on August 6, 1991. You can visit and browse the first site on the Internet.

How many websites are on the Internet?

It is difficult to know the number or number of websites on the Internet, but it is certain that it is more than a billion websites and many of these websites are not used or not visited by many people.


What is the difference between a website and a web page?

A website refers to a central location with more than one web page or multiple web pages. For example our website is a website with thousands of different web pages, including the one you are reading right now while the web page is part of a whole.
Who creates websites

Who creates websites?

Any company, government, organization or person can create a website on the Internet. Today, the Internet consists of billions of websites created by billions of different people, and you can even create a website or blog on the Internet easily and without learning programming. Many platforms have appeared that help people design websites, and one of the most famous and most widely used of these platforms is Today is the WordPress platform.

What can you do on the website?

On most websites, you read the information on each web page and if there are any links you can track those links by clicking on them to find more information or perform a task and you can also listen to music, watch videos, shop, communicate and much more.

Website types

On most websites, you read the information on each web page and if there are any links you can track those links by clicking on them to find more information or perform a task and you can also listen to music, watch videos, shop, communicate and much more.

There are billions of websites on the Internet today that can be divided into one of the following types but keep in mind that a website can fall into more than one of the following categories.

  • Archive site.
  • Blog.
  • Corporate websites.
  • Forum sites.
  • Content and information sites.
  • dating sites.
  • e-commerce sites.
  • educational websites.
  • gaming sites.
  • government websites.
  • Question and answer sites.
  • malicious websites.
  • media sharing sites.
  • mirror sites.
  • news site.
  • personal websites.
  • review sites
  • School websites.
  • Search engine sites.
  • Social Media.
  • Email sites.
  • Wikipedia sites.

Archive site

A website that keeps a record of the contents of one or more websites. A well-known archive site is an example of this.


A blog is a website that is often created by an individual and microblogging sites are also another popular form of blogging website that limits the number of characters a person can post in each blog entry. Twitter is an example of a social networking site for a small blog.

Corporate websites

A company website is designed to provide information about the company and to reach customers, partners, clients and potential customers.

Content sites

A content site is created with the purpose of displaying content that is often related to a particular category. For example, MenaTech could be considered a business and technology site and other categories could include a political site with content related to politics or a political view, or a sports website with information about a specific sport.

Dating sites

Most dating sites require a small fee, require a description of yourself, and often ask questions to help find the right people for your interests.


E-commerce websites are created for the purpose of selling goods or services online. Amazon is an example of an e-commerce website. E-commerce websites may be further divided into various subcategories such as

Auction sites are sites that allow others to sell their goods or services. For example, eBay is one of the most popular online auction sites.

Classified ad sites are sites that allow anyone to display goods or services, usually for free or at a small cost. OpenSooq is an example of a classifieds website.

Educational sites

An educational website is any website that contains content that helps with learning. It can be a school website, an online library website, a homework help website, or any other online knowledge acquisition tools.

Gaming sites

A gaming website is any website that contains games that can be played on the website. These online games are often created using HTML5, Flash, or Java. Gaming websites should not be confused with a gaming content website with gaming related content with no actual games to play on the website.

Government websites

A government website is a government or local website created to help inform the public about government business and services. A local government website can also be created to help promote tourism.


In the United States, the government website link ends in .gov. Whereas in the UK, they use .gov.uk.

Question and answer sites

These are sites where anyone can post questions and help other users answer those questions. There is a full list of help sites where you can ask any question like Ask.

Malicious Websites

A malicious website is any website that is created with the intent to infect another computer or collect personal data. These types of websites may contain mined files and if they are downloaded, they infect your computer.

Other common malicious websites include phishing websites. These sites are designed to look like other official sites (for example, your bank) in the hope that you can phish sensitive information such as your username and password.

Fake news websites are another type of malicious website created to appear as a legitimate source of news with the aim of helping to spread fear and lies.


Media Sharing Site

A media sharing site is any website that specializes in allowing visitors to share one or more types of media. For example, YouTube is a video media sharing site. SoundCloud is a music sharing site. Instagram is a photo sharing site.


News Site

It is a website dedicated to displaying the latest local or international news. A news site can also be customized to a specific topic. For example, many computer related news websites are dedicated to talking about the latest computer and technology related news.

Personal Website

Personal is a website created by an individual who talks about his or her personal life, family, life experiences, and may contain a biography. Today, many people create personal websites as a blog or use a social networking website as a place to store information about themselves.

Own Website

It is a site that is interested in a personality such as an artist, celebrity, band, author, or any other person.

These types of websites are created by a person associated with that person, such as a publicist, agency, or fan of the character.

Portal sites

A portal is an idea of ​​a website or service that offers a wide range of services, such as email, games, quotes, search, news, and stocks.

Review sites

A review site is any site that focuses on reviews about a product or service. For example Yelp is a business review site and other review sites may review other things like movies or products. Also, many e-commerce websites have reviews from people who have bought the product they are selling.

School websites

A school website is a site created to represent a school. School websites contain an overview of the school and give students and parents a place to log in, review grades and other information related to the school.

Search Engine Sites

A search engine is a website dedicated to helping people find information on the Internet. Google is an example of a search engine website.

Social Media

A social networking site connects a person with friends, family, celebrities, groups and organizations and the service is usually free, provided that the site may collect and use users' information. Facebook and Twitter are two examples of social networking sites.

Email Sites

A mail website is a website that a person views, sends and receives messages via e-mail without the need for software. An example of e-mail sites is Gmail.

Thus, we have come to the end of this article today, in which we mentioned the definition of a website and what are the types of websites today.

Online content writer and chartered accountant .

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