Colorize black and white pictures or old pictures online

Colorize black and white pictures or old pictures online - Palettefm
You have an old image or a non-colored image posted on social networking sites and you want to return the colors to it, you can do this through various methods, including what Palette offers, which we explain here in this article.
With Palette, a free site that colorizes your old photos in seconds, it's a free site that you can access from your computer, mobile phone or tablet.
In our case, we tested it from an Android smartphone and from a PC, and the performance was good.
Basically, it is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to colorize black and white photos.
- Click "Clip or drop an image".
-Select the image you want to color from device gallery.
-Wait a few seconds for Palette to color the image.
Once you get to the natural color base that Palette has provided for your photo, you can choose from more filters to change the gradients. There are dozens of possibilities to choose from, just tap on the name of the filter to apply it. After a few seconds, you will see the image with the changes already applied.
Another option available to you is hidden behind the pencil button. If you click on it, you will find the "Surprise Me" function of the Palette to apply a random filter and surprise you with the new colors of the photo. Also, you can edit the description of the image.
Once you are done editing the photo, simply click on it and touch the "Save" button to download the file to your device.
In a few seconds you will be able to colorize your black and white photo with the help of Palette.

Online content writer and chartered accountant .

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