How do you know that your personal data on the Internet has been leaked?

How do you know that your personal data on the Internet has been leaked?

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for you to have to fill in your personal details on websites. Name, email, phone number, etc. Although the sites are secure, it sometimes happens that some of them get hacked, giving hackers partial or full access to your data. Do you want to know if your personal data has been hacked? Do you want a way to check for leaks? In this article, we will provide you with a tool that will allow you to know the status of your personal data, as well as the attitude to follow in the event of a leak, as well as tips to avoid hacking.

To make sure your personal data is safe, there is a very easy-to-use tool called "Have I been Pwned". 

The tool allows you to enter your email address or phone number, which is usually required to create an account on any platform. The online tool will then scan for potential hacks on the sites where your email and phone appear.

You then have two options:

Green screen: Your data has not been hacked and no leaks have been detected.

The screen is red: Your personal data has been hacked and your data has been stolen.

If a red screen appears, Have I been Pwned will describe which site(s) were hacked, when they were hacked, and what personal data was leaked.

What to do if your personal data is leaked?

Have I been Pwned will recommend that you change your password immediately. As a precaution, use a new password, which has not been used anywhere else. There are many tools available today that can be used to generate strong passwords.
Once you change your password, also change all passwords for all accounts with the hacked email address. It is preferable to use a unique password for each site.

Online content writer and chartered accountant .

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