How to know if you are being tracked and spied on using AirTag in Android

Apple AirTags are tracking devices integrated into the company's search network. Therefore, other than reading their content through NFC, Android's compatibility with AirTags is low. This is a real privacy issue because if someone tries to track you down and you don't have an iPhone, you won't be able to figure it out in the first place.

Android is unable to detect by itself if there is an AirTag near the user. Someone can take advantage of this circumstance to place one of these devices in a strategic area and know your every move. Doesn't look good, does it? 
The solution now comes in the form of a formal application. We explain how to tell if someone is tracking you using AirTag from an Android phone.

- Use Apple Tracker Detector 

Apple has an official Android app that helps you find trackers, i.e. nearby AirTags that have been disconnected from the user they belong to.
The app is available on the Google Play Store and you can download it for free by clicking.

According to the description, the benefit of this application is to "find objects that have been separated from the person to which they belong and that are compatible with the Apple search network." In addition, the company explains that this tool is compatible with AirTags and other devices integrated into the Apple search network.

And what is the goal?
Apple makes it very clear: "If you think someone is using an AirTag or other object to locate you, you can look up to find out."
Running the Apple Tracker Detector app is very simple:
- Open the app.
- Click the Scan button.
- Wait for the process to finish.
- Check the list of AirTag or nearby compatible devices.
How to know if you are being tracked and spied on using AirTag in Android

Keep in mind that if some devices appear on the list, it does not always mean that they are spying on you. It can also be an item of a person who has lost an AirTag inside it.

To detect nearby devices, the Apple app uses Bluetooth for your mobile phone. In addition, it lets you start a sound in AirTag to locate it easily. Unfortunately, the app does not run in the background.

- Use AirGuard App

AirGuard is an alternative you should consider if you want to receive background notifications. This app is responsible for continuously scanning trackers near you.

Basically, it works in the same way as Apple's app. Thanks to Bluetooth, it detects AirGuard and other devices on the Search Network. In the same way, it allows you to play audio, just like AirTag.

To avoid confusion, it tracks the detected devices and the exact location where they were found. The app will notify you if it detects the same tracker three times in different locations. Thus, it will be excluded that the AirTag is located in a lost object or someone close to you, such as a neighbor.

All information obtained by the application is processed locally and no external servers are used. So the privacy of this app is guaranteed. Undoubtedly, a more complete solution than the Apple app itself.
- Link: AirGuard or Google play


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