How to use ChatGPT to summarize a long article or book?

Chatbots that use artificial intelligence technology, such as ChatGPT, can be used to make the task of summarizing long articles and books easier.If you want to get the general idea of a long article or book without having to read it in full, you can use the ChatGPT robot to get a short summary that outlines the main idea of the article or book.

How to use ChatGPT to summarize a long article or book

How to Use ChatGPT Robot to Summarize a Long Article:

To get started with using the ChatGPT robot to summarize a long article, follow these steps:
  1. Open a web browser and search for the long article that you want to create a summary for and keep it open in a separate tab.
  2. Open a new tab and go to
  3. Log in to the ChatGPT robot or create a new account.
  4. Type in the chat box: "TLDR:" followed by the link to the article, or (Write a summary of an article: Then attach the link to the article.)
  5. Click the send button and wait for the robot to summarize the article for you.
  6. You will see a short paragraph containing the main idea of the article, which will help you understand the main topic and the most important ideas discussed.
How to Use ChatGPT Robot to Summarize a Long Article

Can the ChatGPT robot summarize a book in a PDF document?

Yes, you can add a link to a PDF document to ChatGPT, and it will summarize its contents. However, the accuracy of the summary you will get may vary depending on the PDF document and the clarity of its content for ChatGPT. If the PDF document is inaccessible for any reason, ChatGPT may not be able to summarize it for you.

Can the ChatGPT robot summarize a series of email messages?

Yes, this can be done by copying each email and pasting it into the chat box. Then, ask the ChatGPT robot to summarize the contents of the email messages.


Online content writer and chartered accountant .

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