How to create sitemap for Blogger blog – Create a Robots.txt File Full Guide

Create a Sitemap in Blogger and Create a Robots.txt File Full Guide.It is necessary to submit a Sitemap to Webmaster Tools for optimization of search results pages and SEO. Create a Sitemap in Blogger and Create a Robots.txt File Full Guide

How to create sitemap for Blogger blog .

With the help of webmaster tools (Google Search Console), you can monitor and improve your keyword ranking.

Why do we need to create a Sitemap and submit it to Google Search Console?

A sitemap is a roadmap for a website. It consists of all lists of contents published on the site. If a website is not appropriately linked, a sitemap helps search engines find all the content. So that orphan content can also be categorized.

 What is a sitemap?

As the name suggests, it is a website or blog sitemap. It will create a complete website layout with all the pages and posts that are set in it. The sitemap is of two types:

  • XML sitemap for search engine such as Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tool, Yandex Search Engine.
  •  HTML sitemap for Blogger blog users.

XML sitemap: intended for the site administrator or search console. This map includes the full location. 

The search console collects data from all the sitemaps it has and displays the results according to the user's search. 
Sitemaps are more important when there is a weak internal link to blog posts.

 How does a sitemap work?

When you publish a new page or post on a website, that page or post is automatically added to the sitemap. And this sitemap points to the search engine that says "Hey there's a new page to be indexed.

And the search engine responded, Well, I'm coming. Then the search engine crawls those new pages or posts. It also helps search engines find all the content available on the site.

This explanation applies to the phone or computer 

How to add a new sitemap for Blogger blog posts and pages

XML sitemap embedded in blogger blog. So we just have to access that by adding sitemap.xml or sitemap-pages.xml at the end of your blog URL.

Let's say the blog URL is, then the sitemap address will be

1. (for all Blogger blog posts).
2. (for all blogger pages).

You should replace example.blogspot with your blog URL....Whether a buyer's domain link ... or a free blog link»  For a custom domain blogger blog, it would be sitemaps.

Submit a Sitemap to Google Search Console

Submit your Sitemap.XML file to Google Search Console or Google Webmaster Tool to drive organic traffic.

If you have already registered, just select your blog in Search Console and follow the instructions.

Navigate to the Sitemaps option available in the menu on the right side.

 1. Click Sitemaps
 2. Enter the following sitemaps for articles, pages and rss feeds.


3. Submit the two sitemaps above one by one.
4. The sitemap has been successfully submitted to Google Search Console as shown below.
If you have already registered, just select your blog in Search Console and follow the instructions.   Navigate to the Sitemaps option available in the menu on the right side.   1. Click Sitemaps  2. Enter the following sitemaps for articles, pages and rss feeds.   sitemap.xml  sitemap-pages.xml  rss.xml  atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500  3. Submit the two sitemaps above one by one.  4. The sitemap has been successfully submitted to Google Search Console as shown below.
It may require a full link and not just the sitemap name..Such as»
If you have already registered, just select your blog in Search Console and follow the instructions.   Navigate to the Sitemaps option available in the menu on the right side.   1. Click Sitemaps  2. Enter the following sitemaps for articles, pages and rss feeds.   sitemap.xml  sitemap-pages.xml  rss.xml  atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500  3. Submit the two sitemaps above one by one.  4. The sitemap has been successfully submitted to Google Search Console as shown below.

The number of topics will appear in green if the submission is successful
Now all the additions of a new sitemap have been completed, the number of posts, site pages or processing data may appear.

Submit a Sitemap.XML map to Bing Webmaster Tools

 After Google Search Console, Bing is another second largest webmaster tool from Microsoft.

  • Register with a Hotmail or Microsoft account, then add your blog .
  • Scroll to the Sitemap section of the Webmaster Tool
  • Click the Submit Sitemap button
  • Add a new sitemap to the Bing Webmaster Tool.

Submit sitemap to all other search engines using robots.txt file

When a search engine crawls your blog, first, it will interact with the blog's robots.txt file. This file contains search engine rules as well as Sitemap.XML sitemap, this XML sitemap helps these search engines to find all the content of the website.

In this part, we will learn the best way to implement robots.txt file in Blogger blog.

What are the functions of a robots.txt file?

The robots.txt file tells the search engine which pages should or should not be crawled. Hence it allows us to control the work of search engine bots.

In the robots.txt file, we declare the functions of the user agent, allow, disallow, and sitemap to search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex, etc. Let us understand the meaning of all these terms.

We typically use bot meta tags for all search engines that crawl bots to index blog posts and pages across the web. But if you want to save crawl budget, block search engine bots in some sections of website then you have to understand blogger robots.txt file.

Create perfect robots.txt file for Blogger blog

We have understood how by default robots.txt file does its job in Blogger blog. Let's optimize it for SEO.

The default robots.txt file for the archive allows indexing which is causing the duplicate content issue. We can prevent the duplicate content issue by preventing bots from crawling the archive section. 
 For this, we have to apply the rule of Disallow / 20 * in the robots.txt file. But this rule will stop crawling pages.
 To avoid this, we have to implement a new allow rule for the /*.html section that allows bots to crawl posts and pages.

The default sitemap includes posts, not pages. So you have to add a sitemap for the pages under .

for custom domain, so your new ideal robots.txt for blogger blog will look like this.

 User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

 User-agent: *
 Disallow: /search*
 Disallow: /20*
 Allow: /*.html

You should replace  example with blogger domain or custom domain name.

How to edit robots.txt file in Blogger blog?

 The Robots.txt file is always located at the root level of any website. But in blogger there is no root access so how to modify this robots.txt file?

Blogger provides all root file settings in its settings like robots.txt and ads.txt files. You have to login to your blogger account and edit robots.txt file.

 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard and click on Settings option.
 2. Scroll down to the Crawlers and Indexing Programs section.
 3. Enable custom robots.txt file via toggle button.
 4. Click on the custom robots.txt file, a window will open Paste the robots.txt file above and save the file.
Blogger Custom robots.txt file to Boost SEO of the Blog in 2022

After updating the custom robots.txt file,

Check it out by visiting

Don't forget to replace with your domain address, it will look like this.

How to Create an HTML Sitemap Page for Blogger Blog

You can create an HTML sitemap for your Blogger blog to make your blog more user-friendly.

Blogger has many limitations. If you want to add some extra features to it, you have to modify the codes for the sitemap, schema markup, etc. But here we have the solution for that.

Create HTML sitemap for Blogger blog to improve user experience and increase traffic
 To create a new sitemap page, go to Blogger Dashboard > Pages and select Create New Page.
How to Create an HTML Sitemap Page for Blogger Blog

Now, first of all, you have to add a title for your page which should be a sitemap, then you have to follow these steps..

 1. The title of the page (sitemap).
 2. Convert to HTML mode for the page.
 3. Paste the javascript into the HTML section.
 4. Provide a description of the research, if any.
 5. Commenting is not allowed.
 6. Publish the page, your sitemap is now available.
How to Create an HTML Sitemap Page for Blogger Blog

HTML sitemap code

<style type="text/css">
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;
    height: 565px;
    margin: 20px 0 40px 0;
.grid-sitemap iframe
     display: block;
     width: 100%; 
     height: 680px;
     margin-top: -115px;
     margin-left: -5px;
<div class="grid-sitemap">
<iframe src=""></iframe>

Don't forget to replace with your blog link.

 Now your HTML sitemap has been published successfully. You can add it to the main navigation menu or to the blog post for a better user experience.

 Copy the link to this sitemap page and add it to the invoice for example.

 In this article, we learned how to create a sitemap for Blogger blogs and add a new sitemap to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. Also, we have created a robots.txt file that includes a map of articles, pages and Rss feed.


How to add a new post from your blog on Google Search Console


Online content writer and chartered accountant .

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