How to publish Blogger blog topics on Google search engine - SEO GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOL

How to publish Blogger blog topics on Google search engine  , After creating your blog on Blogger and    publishing topics and posts, these articles should be spread on the most famous search engine in the world, which is Google, where we offer you here in this article how to publish your blog topics on google.
How to publish Blogger blog topics on Google search engine - SEO GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE

How to add your Blogger blog to Google Webmaster Tools: 

In any topic we want to search directly, we go into the Internet browser and search for the topic we want on Google.

  Articles and news are spread on Google by automated bots that fetch news from websites and websites.

Google has a special tool to receive the latest topics by adding your blog or one of its topics on Google Webmaster Tools.

Google Search Console Google Search Console

Google Search Console

There are many SEO tools to analyze, but the free and useful one is Google Webmaster Tools. In order to know the performance of your Blogger blogs in the search engine, you should start using Google Webmaster Tools.

Add blogger blog to Google Search Console

Google Search Console or Google Webmaster Tool is an easy-to-use tool that shows how your blog appears to bots, how it works and how often it appears in the search engine.
Provides you with a detailed report and data on search traffic in Your blogs, crawl status, index results, and more. 

It notifies you if there is any issue within your blog that is preventing crawlers from accessing your blog pages.

By using and understanding all the elements in Google Webmaster Tools, you can make your blog Google friendly.

Moreover, by submitting your blog sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools, you make bots crawl your pages better.

Steps to add Blogger blog to Google Webmaster Tools.

How to publish Blogger blog topics on Google search engine - SEO GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOL

As in the picture below...With the Google Account email you use to sign in to Blogger.
Google Search Console
At the top right, click on the current search property.
If your blog is already verified on Blogger and in the list, just click on the blog name to see the data. You shouldn't do anything else. If your blog is not listed there, go to step 3.

  •  Now add your Blogger blog domain name and click continue. 

How to publish Blogger blog topics on Google search engine - SEO GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOL
There are two types of verification:

  1.  Verify the entire domain.
  2.  Verify for a single URL Prefix.
If you only have one canonical link from your site, you can check with URL Prefix. Just be sure to type the full URL. That is, if the homepage of the site is at, make sure that the URL you want to check includes (https://www). It is important that the home page link is the same as it appears in the browser when you visit your site.

 The best way to check your site if it has subdomains like: or Here the problem is that some visitors use the first link and others use the second link, in this case it's better to use the full domain validation, but it takes longer And a lot more complicated than checking with URL Prefix, and you'll need to access your DNS records.

If you use the URL Prefix verification option and have previously installed Google Analytics, your site may be verified automatically.

Here we complete the process

Click + Add property

Select the URL prefix, enter your blog URL, and click Continue
Google Search Console
Verification with the same account in Blogger and Google Webmaster Tools does not require the following steps..but you may need them..if that doesn't work.

  • You will now see the recommended verification method is to upload the HTML file.
  •  To upload an HTML file, you must have access to the hosting server.

  Only self-hosted blogs can use this method.

  • Alternatively, select the HTML tag which is the easiest way to check your Blogger blog in Google Webmaster Tools. 
How to enable Google to verify your location:   How to add HTML code to help Google verify your site. Let's say that users of the site are directed to one address to access your site. Here you will use the URL Prefix verification method.   There are several ways to check, choose the HTML tag, then once you copy the code as in the image and paste it on the home page of your site, the Google Search Console tool will check whether it is on your site page or not.

Your next step is to open the homepage script of your site and paste the HTML code inside the <head> section.

In Blogger, from the menu, there is the Templates section, and select Edit HTML

  •  Now you will see a meta tag, just copy it. Now in your Blogger dashboard, go to the form >> edit the HTML and paste the meta tag just below the <head> tag.
  • Save the form when you're done, then go back to Google Webmaster Tools and click Verify and you're done.

 You can add as many sites as you own

To see the data, report and graph, just wait a day after submitting your Blogger sitemap.

How to add a new post from your blog on  Google Search Console

  • After your website or blogger blog has been added to Google Search Console Go to Google Webmaster Tools.
  • Then copy the link to the post you made on your blog.
  • As in the picture, click on the search tag ... then add the link you copied from your blog
Google Search Console

Click Verify to verify the integrity of the link and whether it can be published on the Google search engine.

Thus, your blog has been placed on top of the archive and indexed on the Google search engine ...
Thus, your blog has been placed on top of the archive and indexed on the Google search engine ...

How to create sitemap for Blogger blog – Create a Robots.txt File Full Guide.


Online content writer and chartered accountant .

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